Patrick, it is our hope that one day you will read this letter and the other articles in this blog. We understand that they, when you first encounter them, may cause you distress. That was not our objective. We want to apologize for that. These stories are not easy for us to write either. Your mother and I discussed this proposal at length. We decided that making our story public might identify a way to help you, and perhaps help others as well. In doing so, we realized that it would be necessary to share private moments and a complete story—or at least as complete as we could recall based on what you had shared with us and what we had personally observed. When you first confronted us after your break, Mikhail told us that there was no reason we shouldn’t share. He is quite convinced of his righteousness. We intend to be as truthful as we are able, sharing what is essential for others to understand the destruction that the illness wrought in us and our relationship, while avoiding exposing certain individuals by name and particular private truths that you have yet to share. We have discovered that we have no other options. You are an adult and the law prevents us from making decisions for you without your consent. We both still love the dear boy we raised and want you and everyone to know that is the case despite these painful chapters.
Mikhail, if you are the first to read these letters, please know that your mother and I hope only for your recovery. We are frightened for you and at times for ourselves. We realize that you believe you are not sick and have developed ideas that we are part of a mystical cabal seeking your suffering. Our objective is quite the opposite. We wish your life to be full of joy and happiness, absent pain and strife. We believe that this requires that you find reliable human partners that can advise you. Of course, we would like to be those partners again, but realize that may not be possible in the beginning. As we told you from the beginning, if that means that if our absence from your lives will make you happy, then we will be absent. We are convinced, however, that your spirit companions are leading you down a dark path, separating you from this beautiful world that we share with humanity. Our advice is that you instead find individuals that you trust to help you separate your demons from your angels. This is not an activity that any one of us can manage on our own. We need people, their love and companionship, to help us reflect on those ideas, conversations, and events that lead us toward the light.
With love, mom and dad.
David and Mary, you are doing a brave thing and doing it carefully and well.
Thank you for sharing, this will help others.
Love and care and sustenance